If you would like to participate please contact chair@oxclean.org.uk, but please first read the information below.
Before you start you will be asked to write a brief project plan (up to 200 words) to describe:
- Why you think this is important and what you hope to achieve
- Where you plan to litter pick (with a map if possible)
- How often you plan to go out
- Any possible safety concerns and how you will stay safe
- How you will evidence what you have done
After you have completed your volunteering you will be asked to submit some photographic evidence and a log detailing your experience, and a written short summary describing how the project went, focusing on what went well, what you learnt, and any problems you encountered.
Your supervisor will then be able to complete the online DofE Assessor’s Report and sign-off on the website.
Outside of Oxford OxClean cannot support DofE volunteers. Please would people who wish to volunteer look at the excellent DofE website, and find out what support your secondary school is giving to the DofE. If the school does not support DofE, pupils can apply direct to DofE and with the help of family and friends acting as assessors achieve the DofE.